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The Swedish Science and Technology Studies Network, SweSTS[edit]
This is the starting place for the Swedish Science & Technology Studies Network. The network has been active since 2006, when the first national STS conference was organized.
- For regular updates on what's happening in Swedish STS join our mailing list.
- For information about our bi-annual national conference STS Dagarna see here.
This is a collaborative open Wiki, if you find something missing, incorrect, or outdated, feel free to edit.
STS Places in Sweden[edit]
This is a collaborative and not exhaustive listing. Please feel free to add, remove, and edit.
- Chalmers: Division for Science, Technology, & Society
- Gothenburg University: Theory of Science at FLOV
- Gothenburg University: Science and Technology Studies, at the Department of Sociology and Work Science
- Gothenburg University: History of Ideas and Science, at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
- KTH: Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
- Linköping University: Gender Studies
- Linköping University: Technology & Social Change
- Lund University: Social Studies of Science and Technology at the Sociology Department
- Lund University: Department of Technology and Society
- Mälardalen University
- Umeå University: Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious studies
- Umeå University: Department of Culture and Media Studies
- Uppsala University: Department of History of Science and Ideas
- Uppsala University: Science, Technology and Society run by Uppsala University's group in Economic History
Regular STS Seminar Series in Sweden[edit]
This is a collaborative and not exhaustive listing. Please feel free to add, remove, and edit.
- Chalmers STS Seminar
- Digital STS Hub, online seminar connecting researchers from several departments, contact person: Francis Lee
- Gothenburg History of Science and Technology Seminar, at GU/Chalmers
- KTH Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment Seminar
- P6: Bodies, Knowledge, Subjectivity, the Thursday seminar., at Tema, Linköping University
- Uppsala STS (usually in Swedish, focus on Economic History), contact person: Daniel Normark
- VäSTS Seminar, at GU/Chalmers
National Conference[edit]
Mailing Lists[edit]
- STS Sverige (national)
- VäSTS (western Sweden)
- Eurograd (European)
- STS Grad (North American)